
Opus 19
Harmonic Interval: Fifth
Student Outcomes:
- Harmony: Two or more
pitches may be combined to create harmony. A melody
may be accompanied by single pitches, intervals or chords.
Recognize & play harmonic interval of 5
Compose accompaniments using intervals
of 2nds, 3rds, or 5ths.
- harmonic interval, second, third, fifth; ostinato,
ledger line, G major pentachord
- harmonic interval, second, third, fifth; ostinato,
ledger line, G major pentachord
bass clef with low G-D
Assessment (Quiz 19) Students will enter intervals of 5ths, then listen to variety of accompaniments
to determine if they use 5ths or 2nds/3rds.
Assessment (Quiz 19) Students will enter intervals of 5ths, then listen to variety of accompaniments
to determine if they use 5ths or 2nds/3rds.
Assessment (Quiz 19) Students will enter intervals of 5ths, then listen to variety of accompaniments
to determine if they use 5ths or 2nds/3rds.
Repertoire: Frère Jacques, The Castle of the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz
Repertoire: Frère Jacques, The Castle of the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz
Repertoire: Frère Jacques, The Castle of the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz
National Standards:
1. NS 2
2. NS 3
3. NS 4,5
4. NS 1,2
5. NS 6
S. NS 4
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play - Frère Jacques: Part 3 (Song 20)
A. Split - Bass To review and prepare students for playing the interval used in Part 3 of Frère Jacques,
ask them to:
play G with index finger of left hand.
play the second, third and fifth above G with right hand.
B. Split - Reset Ensemble Mode Speakers Off Challenge partners to:
play G with index fingers of left hands.
work together in playing different intervals.
C. Ask partners to:
identify note names, interval, and type of accompaniment used in Part 3.
play Part 3 with class. Play Song
Split Mode Lesson Completed
2. Create - Ostinati using intervals (Songs 20 & 21)
A. Play Melody Play a new ostinato for Frère Jacques 4/4 (Song 20). Have students:
identify type of accompaniment and intervals used.
place hands on G major pentachord and imitate the ostinato pattern using left hand.
play ostinato with melody.
B. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off Allow time for partners to:
work together to create another ostinato using seconds, thirds, fifths, or any combination.
play their new ostinato with melody. Play Melody
volunteer to play ostinati with melody.
C. Play Melody Option: Repeat activity with Frère Jacques in 3/4 (Song 21).
Speakers On Lesson Completed
3. Write - Harmonic intervals (Worksheet 11)
A. Worksheet 11 Using Worksheet 11, have students:
write lowest G in bass clef of Worksheet 11, measure 1.
write note a second above G in same measure.
identify note name of second above G.
write G, then the third above in measure 2.
repeat for other intervals. (Note: Use different starting pitches including C.)
play examples.
Lesson Completed
4. Play & Sing – Listen to the Mockingbird: Part 2 (Song 22)
A. Play Melody Listen to the Mockingbird. Encourage students to:
sing melody with song.
B. Split - Bass Play Student Part 2 Have students:
identify time signature.
identify intervals.
play Part 2 with fingers 1 and 5 (fifths) or fingers 1 and 2 (seconds).
discuss note names, repeated patterns and rhythm values of Part 2.
C. Play Metronome Have partners:
play Part 2 with metronome.
play Part 2 with song. Play Song
Split - Reset Lesson Completed
5. Listen & Analyze - Two pitches may be combined to make harmony
A. Have class:
discuss how fifths sound different from 2nds and 3rds.
B. Play Song The Castle Of The Wicked Witch from "The Wizard Of Oz." Have students:
play along (G-D) with the singing of the castle guards.
Low Side -Timpani High Side - Timpani Split - Bass
Speakers On Split - Reset Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Compose accompaniment using intervals (2
, and
) (Worksheet 11)
A. Worksheet 11 Using melodic compositions from previous Opus (Worksheet 11), have students:
write accompaniment on bass staff (using intervals – 2
, 3
, 5
, single notes, familiar note
values & rests).
B. Normal Mode Taking turns, have students:
practice composition.
play composition for partner.
record composition. (Option. Add rhythm accompaniment)
volunteer to play for class.
Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Ask students to:
play G and note that is a fifth higher.
play F and note that is a fifth higher.
Start on different pitches such as A and E.
B. Create ostinato patterns using seconds/thirds or fifths. Have students:
identify intervals used.
practice entering “black” = fifths, “white” = seconds and/or thirds.
Review Completed