
Opus 15
Half Note and Rest
Student Outcomes:
HALF NOTE and REST - Duration/Rhythm: Rhythm
values may be symbolized. Music may combine long
or short durations of sound and silence.
Identify, play, read and notate half notes/rests.
Compose melodies using half notes/rests.
- half note, half rest, music alphabet (A-B-C and C-D-
- half note, half rest, music alphabet (A-B-C and C-D-
half note half rest (SYMBOLS)
Assessment (Quiz 15) – Students determine whether or not rhythm patterns on overhead are played
correctly. Also, multiple choice questions are asked.
Assessment (Quiz 15) – Students determine whether or not rhythm patterns on overhead are played
correctly. Also, multiple choice questions are asked.
Assessment (Quiz 15) – Students determine whether or not rhythm patterns on overhead are played
correctly. Also, multiple choice questions are asked.
Repertoire: Minka, Canon in D
Repertoire: Minka, Canon in D
Repertoire: Minka, Canon in D
National Standards:
1. NS 5,6
2. NS 2
3. NS 6,7
4. NS 5
S. NS 4,5
R. NS 5,6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play & Imitate - Melodic patterns using half note/rest (Overhead A)
A. Play short melodic pattern using C-D-E and half notes/rests. Ask students to:
imitate patterns.
B. Overhead A Write some of these patterns on Overhead A. Have students:
identify C-D-E on staff.
identify half notes.
play pattern and say letter names and/or rhythm syllables.
Lesson Completed
2. Play - Minka: Parts 1 and 2 (Song 15)
A. Play Student Part 2 Encourage partners to:
identify note names and rhythm syllables.
track and chant note names.
play Part 2 with melody. Play Melody
B. Play Student Part 1 Guide students to:
discover the combination of eighth notes and half notes.
track and chant rhythm syllables.
play Part 1 with melody. Play Melody
play Parts 1 and 2 with song. Play Song
Lesson Completed
3. Listen – Music is made of long/short durations of sound/silence
A. Play Song Canon In D by Johann Pachebel, played by the Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields.
Have students:
discover half note pulse played in bass line.
tap steady beat (half note pulse).
compare half note patterns of Canon In D with Parts 1 and 2 of Minka.
Play Student Part 1 Play Student Part 2
Lesson Completed
4. Read & Notate - Half notes and rests (Overhead A)
A. Overhead A Play Metronome Using middle C-D-E, write two-measure melodies on Overhead A.
Melodies should use half notes and half rests. Ask students to:
play each example with right-hand fingers 1-2-3 and sing note names.
B. Write several two-measure melodies combining eighth notes/rests and half notes/rests. Let students:
play each example with metronome. Play Metronome
C. Have class:
suggest rhythm values and pitches to create similar melody.
play melody created by class. Add metronome. Play Metronome
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Compose - Melodies that include half notes/rests (Worksheet 8)
A. Worksheet 8 Encourage students to:
write new melodies that include half notes/rests on middle C-D-E on Worksheet 8. (NOTE:
Encourage 4 measure melodies ending on C.)
practice new melodies. Speakers Off
play melodies for class. Speakers On
Option: Record melodies on student keyboards.
B. Encourage students to:
create an ostinato pattern (suggestion C-G).
record ostinato pattern (NOTE: This is done with “Melody Record”).
create and play melody over recorded ostinato.
Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Overhead A)
A. Create percussion or melodic patterns that use half, quarter and eighth notes/rests. Have students:
echo patterns.
B. Overhead A Note Monitor Notate and play two-measure melodies with half, quarter and eighth
notes/rests. Have students:
decide whether melody was performed correctly.
enter “black” = yes, or “white” = no.
Review Completed