
describe melodic direction or contour.
sing home tone.
Option: Have class play Examples 1 & 2 together.
C. Let class:
create new C major melodies for examples 3 and 4 on chart.
play new melodies.
D. Speakers Off Improvise melody using the C major scale. Encourage students to:
improvise several melodies using C major scale.
perform favorite improvisations for class. Speakers On
Lesson Completed
3. Play & Sing - Chumbara: Parts 1 and Melody (Song 35)
A. Play Song Chumbara. Encourage students to:
sing note names of melody.
sing lyrics.
locate and sing home tone in melody.
B. Play Student Part 1 Have students:
identify names of notes and repeated melodic patterns.
determine if Part 1 uses C major pentachord or C major scale.
play Part 1. Split - Treble
C. Split - Reset Play Melody Continue with melody by having students:
locate the descending C major scale and the octaves.
practice melody. Speakers Off
play melody with song. Speakers On Play Song
Lesson Completed
4. Play - Chumbara: Part 2 (Song 36/Chart 21)
A. Chart 21 Play Student Part 2 Chumbara. With Chart 21 (Chumbara) have students:
identify direction of Part 2.
locate notes of C major scale “hidden” in Part 2.
play each triad with class (introduce term 'diatonic triads’).
identify triads as major or minor.
NOTE: Tell students that chord built on B of scale is a diminished triad. The numerals on the chart
identify which note of scale is root of chord.
B. Speakers Off Have students:
practice Part 2.
play Part 2 with song. Speakers On Play Song
Lesson Completed
5. Listen – Major Scales & Diatonic Triads
A. Have students:
review tetrachords (four-note patterns) that build C major scale.
discuss how the two tetrachords are the same (exact pattern of whole step, whole step, half-
build major scales in several keys, using both hands.
B. Play Song Pianists from Carnival of the Animals by Saints Saens. Have students:
identify use of steps, pentachord then two octave major scales (C, C#, etc.)
C. Play Song Banana Boat Song. Have students:
identify diatonic triad accompaniment in A section.
play descending C diatonic triads with song. (C-Bdim-Am-G-F-Em-Dm-C)
Option: Have students play percussion during B section. Then return to diatonic triads in A sec-
Kbd Perc On Kbd Perc Off
D. Play Song Somewhere Out There played by Steel Bands of Trinidad and Tobago. Have students:
play with excerpt. Speakers Off
Speakers On Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis - Compose using diatonic triads & styles
A. Fingered Accomp. Speakers Off Play a progression of C diatonic triads with a style (i.e. Ballad).
Have partners:
experiment with triads and styles.
create accompaniment/song.
record/play for class. Speakers On
Option: Have students improvise melody over diatonic accompaniment.
Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Charts 20 & 21)
A. Chart 20 Note Monitor Have students:
practice entering C major scale from Chart 20.
B. Play different scale examples, some major, some not major. Have students:
practice entering “black” = major scale, “white” = not major scale.
C. Play major or minor triads. Ask students to:
identify triads.
practice entering “black” = major, “white” = minor.
D. Chart 21 Play each triad from Chart 21 and ask students to:
decide whether it is major, minor, or diminished.
practice entering “black” = major, “white” = minor, “both” = diminished.
Review Completed