
Opus 20
Sixteenth note and rest
Student Outcomes:
SIXTEENTH NOTE & REST - Duration/Rhythm:
Rhythm values may be symbolized. Music may
combine long and short durations of sound and
Identify, play, read and notate sixteenth notes/rests.
Compose percussion duet using sixteenth notes/
- sixteenth note, sixteenth rest, interval, second, third, G
& C major pentachords
- sixteenth note, sixteenth rest, interval, second, third, G
& C major pentachords
sixteenth notes (4), sixteenth note (1),
sixteenth rest
Assessment (Quiz 20) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not rhythm patterns were played correctly.
Assessment (Quiz 20) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not rhythm patterns were played correctly.
Assessment (Quiz 20) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not rhythm patterns were played correctly.
Repertoire: Listen to the Mockingbird, Rondeau by Mouret, Ketjak
Repertoire: Listen to the Mockingbird, Rondeau by Mouret, Ketjak
Repertoire: Listen to the Mockingbird, Rondeau by Mouret, Ketjak
National Standards:
1. NS 2,3
2. NS 5
3. NS 1,2
4. NS 6
S. NS 4
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Imitate & Play – Rhythm/melody patterns using sixteenth note/rest
A. Play Metronome Clap rhythm patterns using sixteenth, eighth and/or quarter notes. Have students:
imitate each rhythm pattern.
tap each rhythm pattern on a keyboard percussion instrument. Kbd Perc On
B. Kbd Perc Off Play melody patterns (C-D-E-F-G or G-A-B-C-D) using quarter/eighth/sixteenth
rhythms. Have partners:
imitate each pattern.
create patterns for each other to imitate. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Split Mode
Speakers On Lesson Completed
2. Read – Rhythm/melody patterns with 16th note/rest (Charts 11, 12 & 13)
A. Chart 11 Chart 13 Kbd Perc On Play Chart 11, Example 1 using keyboard percussion. Have
identify time signature and familiar rhythm symbols used in Example 1.
identify new symbol (sixteenth note).
describe sixteenth note (fast, short) and how many are heard on each beat of metronome (4).
tap and chant rhythm syllables.
play Example 1.
compare sixteenth note to other note values (four sixteenth notes equal one quarter note, four
sixteenth notes equal two eighths). Note: Use Chart 13.
B. Play Chart 11, Example 2. Encourage students to:
identify rest in Example 2.
play Example 2 and chant rhythm syllables.
Continue in a similar way with Example 3 on Chart 11.
C. Have students:
create new two-measure rhythm pattern for Example 4.
practice new pattern. Speakers Off
play pattern. Speakers On
D. Chart 12 Kbd Perc Off Play Example 1 from Chart 12. Have students:
identify pentachord.
chant rhythm syllables, then sing pitches.
practice Example 1. Speakers Off
play Example 1. Speakers On
Continue with Examples 2 & 3 on Chart 12. Encourage students to add left hand (intervals).
E. Using Example 4 of Chart 12, have students:
suggest rhythms and pitches to create new melody.
practice new melody. Speakers Off
play new melody. Speakers On
Lesson Completed
3. Sing & Play - Listen to the Mockingbird: Parts 1 & 2 (Song 22)
A. Play Song Listen to the Mockingbird. Sing the melody. Ask students to:
track melody.
identify sixteenth note patterns.
B. Play Student Part 1 Listen to the Mockingbird. Ask students to:
chant rhythm patterns of Part 1.
identify pentachords (C major in first part of song, G major in second part of song).
practice Part 1. Speakers Off
play Part 1 with song. Speakers On Play Song
C. Ask students to:
play parts 1 & 2 together with song. Play Song
Lesson Completed
4. Listen - Music may use sixteenth notes/rests
A. Play Song Rondeau by Mouret. Have students:
tap steady sixteenth note pattern with excerpt.
move to beat (quarter notes).
compare the two rhythms and movements.
B. Play Song Ketjak (Gamelan Vocal Ensemble). Have students:
discuss how patterns of sixteenth notes create a feeling of excitement or a constant movement.
discuss instruments/sounds used.
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Create & Write – Eight measure percussion duet with 16
notes (Worksheet 4)
A. Kbd Perc On Tap several one-measure rhythm patterns that include sixteenth notes. Have students:
imitate each pattern.
identify time signature of pattern.
create new one-measure rhythm pattern using sixteenth notes.
imitate patterns created by individual students.
B. Worksheet 4 Select a student pattern. Write it on blank overhead. Have students:
read and chant syllables.
play pattern.
write pattern on student Worksheet 4, measure 1, Part 1.
C. Select another student pattern. Write it on blank overhead. Have students:
read and chant syllables.