
Prelude #4
Rhythm Prep: Tempo
1. A Ram Sam Sam: sing/move/play using fast and slow tempos
Have students:
sing melody at different tempos
Play Song A Ram Sam Sam
move to steady beat at different tempos
play clusters of three black keys with song at different tempos (encourage steady beat)
Activity Completed
2. Create fast and slow sounds to illustrate a story
Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Low Side (Cat Shwimmer
High Side (Mouse): Castanets
Share the following story with the students:
The old cat creeps slowly through the house.
The mouse hears the cat and quickly runs away.
Have students:
practice playing two and three black key clusters fast and slow on silent keyboards
Silent Keyboards
listen to keyboards and decide with partners who has cat or mouse sounds
Keyboards On
practice slow cat and fast mouse sounds with partner
perform the story with the created sounds (partner or class)
Speakers On
Activity Completed
NOTE: You may wish to send Preset 1 since you've been using "sound effects" for student key-
3. CD examples: listen
Play CD 2 examples:
Play Song Air from Suite #3 - Bach
Play Song You All Come
Play CD 1 examples:
Play Song My Feet Can’t Fail Me Now
Play Song On Green DolphinStreet
Ask students to listen and identify tempos:
Air = slow
You All Come = fast
Green Dolphin Street = slow
My Feet = fast
Activity Completed
Prelude #5
Rhythm Prep: Long/Short
1. Hidden Voices: play/discuss long and short sounds
Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Low Side: Strings Pizzicato
High Side: Brite Piano Church Organ
Low Side: Jetplane Footsteps
High Side: Atmosphere Steel Drum
Low Side: Saxophone Woodblock
High Side: Ocarina Dog
Low Side: Blown Bottle Flute Key Click
High Side: Choir Aahs Harpsichord
Have students:
decide with partners who has long or short sound
explore/discuss long and short sounds in each set
Activity Completed
NOTE: You may wish to send Preset 1 since you've been using different timbres for student
2. La Paloma/Ol' Blue: move to long sounds
Play Melody La Paloma
Play Song La Paloma
Have students:
move to show sustained notes - i.e. draw invisible lines to show the long sounds
Play Melody Ol’ Blue
Play Song Ol’ Blue
Have students:
sing the melody
sing and move to show the long sounds
Activity Completed
3. CD Listening: listen/move to short/long sounds
Examples from CD 1:
Play Song Ballet of the Chicks
Have students:
listen and move to show short sounds
play short sounds along with CD
Low Side: Flute Key Click
High Side: Flute Key Click
Play Song Also Sprach Zarathustra
Have students:
listen and move to show long and short sounds
play long and short sounds along with CD
Split Bass
Low Side: Strings