
Split Mode Lesson Completed
3. Play – The Noble Duke of York: Part 2 clusters
A. Normal Mode Play Song Have students:
1. discuss registers and pitch direction of clusters used in Part 2.
2. identify similar lines.
3. take turns practicing Part 2 as clusters (ignore notched notes). Speakers Off
4. take turns playing Part 2 as clusters with song. Speakers On Play Song
5. take turns playing Parts 1 & 2 together. Play Song
Split Mode Lesson Completed
4. Play -The Noble Duke Of York: Part 2 notched notes (Worksheet 3)
A. Normal Mode Play Song Have students:
6. identify and play “notched” note of each cluster in Part 2. (Note: The notched note belongs in
the accompaniment chord – complimenting the harmony.)
7. take turns practicing “notched” note accompaniment with song. Speakers Off Note Monitor
take turns playing Part 1 or 2 with song. Speakers On
B. Normal Mode Play Song The Noble Duke of York. Have students:
create new accompaniments using clusters (or notched black keys) that move in different direc-
tions or stay the same. Speakers Off
write student patterns on Worksheet 3 overhead. Worksheet 3
add new accompaniments to song. Speakers On Play Song
Split Mode Lesson Completed
5. Listen - Melodic movement may be up, down, or same
A. Play Song Easter Overture by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. This trombone solo is an example of a mel-
ody that has many repeated notes, yet conveys a sense of motion. Have students:
shape melody.
describe melody using terms “up”, “down” and “same”.
B. Have students:
discuss how certain instruments/voices would create a glissando (i.e. tuba vs. soprano vs.
discuss how same instruments/voices would create a trill.
C. Play Song Rhapsody In Blue by George Gershwin. Have students:
identify solo instrument (clarinet).
describe song using terms “glissando” and “trill” (i.e. song starts with a trill that becomes a
practice playing glissandi and trills on silent keyboards. Silent Keyboards
“perform” with song. Play Song
Sound On Keyboards Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Compose - Accompaniments using percussion (Worksheet 4)
A. Kbd Perc On Worksheet 4 Have students:
create new percussion accompaniments using a maximum of 4 percussion sounds (instru-
identify names of instruments used and label in score order based on high/low registers (i.e.
snare, cow bell) on Worksheet 4 (Percussion Score Paper).
notate percussion accompaniments.
NOTE: Use age appropriate notation.
perform each other's scores. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Split Mode Kbd Perc Off Speakers On Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Chart 3)
A. Chart 3 Note Monitor Using Chart 3, create one-measure cluster patterns that move up, down
or same. Ask students to:
practice entering “black” = up, “white” = down, “both” (black/white) = same.
B. Play a starting cluster and ask students to:
find it.
use it and a second cluster to create a pattern that moves up, down, or stays the same.
C. Create cluster patterns over rhythm. Play Rhythm Have students:
echo cluster patterns.
D. Kbd Perc On Repeat activity with percussion patterns that use a set of high-medium-low percus-
sion sounds.
Kbd Perc Off Review Completed