
3. Click a student name (either list) and click the “>” or
“<” button to transfer the student. Note that you can
only select one student at a time.
4. A transferred student will be placed in the first avail-
able seat. (Use the “Add/Edit Classes” tab of the
GradeBook to switch seats.)
NOTE: You may want to create a mock class called
“Transferred Students” and rather than deleting a student,
transfer him/her to this class. If that sutdent ever returned
to a class, you would still have their data.
Part 3 – Export Class Info
1. Select a class you wish to export.
2. Select “Student Progress” to export individual student
info. (Hold down the key to select more than one
student at a time.)
3. Select “Class Report” to export class information. (You
can only export one class at a time.)
4. The name of the exported file can be changed in the
“Export Filename” box OR after you click the “Ex-
port” button. The resulting file is a text file (.txt) and
can be used in any application that supports such a
format, including any word processor or spreadsheet
Part 4 – Backup/Restore/Reset Classes
The Backup feature makes a complete copy of y our
entire MIE GradeBook. Click the “Create Backup” but-
Select where you would like to save this backup.
The Restore feature allows you to select specific
classes from an MIE Backup.
Click the “Select a Backup Folder” and navigate to
the location where you have previously saved an MIE
Select the class(es) you wish to restore.
The Reset feature erases attendance, quiz scores, and
notes for every student. Names and seating charts are
NOT affected.
Click the “Show” button to display your current class
Select the class(es) you wish to restore.
Click the “Reset Class” – you’ll be asked again if you
are sure.
NOTE: Resetting a class cannot be undone.