
2. Create and notate percussion patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 meter (Worksheet 4)
A. Worksheet 4 Demonstrate percussion patterns in 4/4 or 3/4 meter (use only two instruments). En-
courage students to:
identify percussion instruments heard.
identify time signature.
notate percussion patterns on Worksheet 4.
Note: Include names of percussion instruments.
B. Kbd Perc On Have students:
create and notate percussion patterns on Worksheet 4.
perform each other’s scores. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Speakers On Kbd Perc Off Split Mode Lesson Completed
3. Read & Play - Melodic patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 meter (Worksheet 10)
A. Worksheet 10 Play Example 1 with rhythm. Play 4 beat Rhythm Have students:
identify meter and locate time signature.
chant rhythm syllables and accent beat 1 of each measure.
practice Example 1. Split – Treble Speakers Off
play Example 1 with rhythm. Speakers On Play 4 beat Rhythm
repeat with Example 2. Split – Treble Play 3 beat Rhythm
B. Repeat with Examples 3 and 4. Note: Introduce concept of whole note = 4 beats (full measure in 4/
4) and dotted half note = 3 beats (full measure in 3/4). Split – Bass
Play 4 beat Rhythm Play 3 beat Rhythm
C. Have students:
write bar lines in Example 5 to reflect 4/4 time signature. Split – Treble
repeat for Example 6 (3/4 time signature). Split – Bass
D. Split – Treble On Examples 7 and 8, have students:
write time signature (3/4 or 4/4) .
write appropriate bar lines.
Split – Reset Lesson Completed
4. Compose and Notate - 8 measure melody in 3/4 or 4/4 meter (Worksheet 11)
A. Speakers Off Worksheet 11 On Worksheet 11, have students:
write 8 measure melody on treble staff (using steps/skips/sames, repeated patterns, notes in G
major pentachord, familiar note values & rests).
end melody on home-tone.
B. Normal Mode Taking turns, have students:
practice melody.
play melody for partner.
record melody.
volunteer to play for class.
NOTE: This melody will be used in the next Opus – an accompaniment will be added
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Create accompaniments using keyboard styles
A. Single Accomp. Using “ACCOMP REC” have individual student:
create a piece with “into”, “main”, and “ending”.
play piece.
ask partner to describe the composition (i.e. 4-beat style, with intro in G, 5 measures of main,
ending in G major)
reverse roles.
B. Have each student:
pre-plan and map out structure of new piece.
record according to plan.
ask partner to assess whether piece matches plan.
Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Kbd Perc On Note Monitor Create percussion or melodic patterns in 4/4 or 3/4. Ask students to:
play bass drum on each strong beat.
identify time signature.
B. Kbd Perc Off Speakers Off Play the following songs, and have students:
determine whether song is 4/4 or 3/4.
practice entering “black” = 4/4, “white” = 3/4.
Play Song America
Play Song Mein Hut
Play Song America the Beautiful
Play Song Can Can
Play Song Longest Time
Play Song Rondo (Purcell)
Speakers On Review Completed