frequency analyzer test, 3-10
Frequency Error
Phase/Freq, 4-86
Phase/Freq (Multi-burst), 4-89
frequency error
continuous wave, 4-54
frequency error measurement, 2-15
frequency generator test, 3-9
frequency offset
output RF spectrum, 4-82
spectrum analyzer, 4-123
frequency span
spectrum analyzer, 4-123
fuse, 1-3
FW Revision
Configure, 4-50
keys, 5-11
keys, 5-11
keys, 5-11
gate time
RF Analyzer, 4-55
global (G1, G2, G3)
keys, 5-3
global keys, 5-11
RF Generator, 4-116
GMSK modulation test
RF analyzer, 3-11
signal generator, 3-9
address, 8-35
instruments on the “700” bus, 8-35
GPIB address, 3-6
keys, 5-3
selecting, 4-60
GPIB Adrs, 8-5
Configure, 4-60
GPIB command syntax, 8-3
GPIB Control, A-12
GPIB Mode, Control, 8-3
GPIB Mode, Talk&Listen, 8-3
GPIB port, 8-5
GPIB printer, 8-31
input attenuation, 4-127
handovers, A-10
high limit
keys, 5-4
setting, 5-4
turn off, 5-4
high stability time base
option 001, 4-51
keys, 5-4
hold all
range hold, 4-51
Hop Meas Freq
RF Analyzer, 4-113
Hop Mode
RF Analyzer, 4-113
RF Generator, 4-116
Hop Offset
RF Analyzer, 4-113
Hop Trig
RF Analyzer, 4-114
RF Generator, 4-116
How to
obtain a Protocol Log, A-8
HP AdvanceLink, 8-7
HP/Agilent 15756A Interface Cable, A-3
HP/Agilent 37900D, A-11
HP/Agilent 37900D Option 004, A-3
HP/Agilent 37910A Slave Signalling
Card, A-3
HP/Agilent37913A RS232/449Interface
Card, A-3
HP/Agilent 37966A GSM software, A-3
HP/Agilent 37967A protocol monitor
application software, A-3
HP/Agilent 8922M Option 003, A-3
IBASIC computer
initializing memory cards, 8-21
may be programmed, 8-29
to configure external instruments, 8-35
IBASIC Echo, 8-6, 8-9
Configure, 4-60
IBASIC programming-language code, 8-
IBASIC programs
file structures, 8-29
user written, 8-29
IMSI attach/detach, 4-71
keys, 5-4
initializing memory cards, 8-21
input amplitude
CW Meas, 4-54
Input Atten
Spectrum Analyzer (Auxiliary Con-
trols), 4-127
input attenuation
DCS1800 radio, 4-127
E-GSM radio, 4-127
GSM900 radio, 4-127
input attenuator
spectrum analyzer, 4-127
Inst Echo, 8-6, 8-9
Configure, 4-60
overview, 1-5
installing software, 3-5
instrument setup
recall, 5-7
save, 5-9
Configure, 4-50
Interface Card, A-6
interfacing techniques, 8-29
intermediate bits tested
Bit Error Test, 4-8
internal control bus, 8-3