Agilent Technologies S GSM Cell Phone User Manual

Audio, 4-4
Bit Error, 4-8, 4-11
Cell Configuration - DCS 1800, 4-22
Cell Configuration - E-GSM, 4-22
Cell Configuration - E-GSM900, 4-22
Cell Configuration - GSM, 4-16
Cell Configuration - GSM 900, 4-16
Cell Configuration - PCS 1900, 4-22
Cell Control, 4-37
Configure, 4-49
CW Meas, 4-54
Data Bits, 4-93
Fast Bit Error, 4-56
hopping, 4-32
I/O Configuration, 4-59
Logging, 4-63, A-11
main, 4-27, 4-33, 4-35
Measurement Sync, 4-64
Message, 4-69
Mobile, 4-57
Mode, 4-57
MS Information / Signaling, 4-70
Oscilloscope (Marker Controls), 4-80
Oscilloscope, Main Controls, 4-75
Oscilloscope, Trigger Controls, 4-77
Output RF Spectrum (Main View), 4-
Output RF Spectrum (Trace View), 4-
Phase Err, 4-91
Pulse, 4-104
Pulse Fall, 4-109
Pulse Rise, 4-107
Pwr Ramp (Fall Edge), 4-99
Pwr Ramp (Rise Edge), 4-95
Pwr Ramp (Summary), 4-101
Pwr Ramp (Top 2 dB), 4-97
RF Generator / RF Analyzer (AF Gen),
RF Generator / RF Analyzer (RF Ana-
lyzer), 4-112
RF Generator / RF Analyzer (RF Gen),
Service, 4-118
SMS cell broadcast, 4-119
Spectrum Analyzer (Auxiliary Con-
trols), 4-127
Spectrum Analyzer (Main Controls), 4-
Spectrum Analyzer (Marker Controls),
Spectrum Analyzer (RF Gen Controls),
SD/4, 4-19, 4-25
SD/8, 4-19, 4-25
Serial Baud, 8-6
Configure, 4-62
Serial In
Configure, 4-62
Serial In Field, 8-6
serial input port
control, 4-62
serial interface
pin numbers, 6-17
Serial Port, 8-5
Serial Port Connections, 8-5
serial word length, 4-59
Service, A-12
Configure, 4-53
serving cell, 4-20, 4-26
Cell Configuration, 4-21, 4-26
Interface Card, A-6
setting high limit, 5-4
setting low limit, 5-5
setting reference, 5-8
Setting up the Agilent 8922M, A-5
Setting up the HP/Agilent 37900D, A-6
ShortBurst message, 7-4
signaling, 4-70
Control, 4-10
Meas Cntl, 4-14
Measurement Sync, 4-67
Phase/Freq (Main), 4-87
Phase/Freq (Multi-burst), 4-89
Pulse, 4-105
slow associated control channel, 4-45
Software, A-6
HP/Agilent 37900D, A-6
HP/Agilent 37966B, A-6
HP/Agilent 37967A, A-6
Spectrum Analyzer (Main Controls), 4-
off, 4-6
volume control, 4-6
Speaker ALC, 4-6
Speaker Vol
Audio, 4-6
enter into Test Executive, 8-33
spectral purity test, 3-8
spectrum analyzer
cell control, 4-29
spectrum analyzer test, 3-12
Cell Control, 4-7, 4-46
Speech Gain
Cell Control, 4-47
SRAM memory cards
contain a battery, 8-23
initializing, 8-21
write protection, 8-22
Static Random-Access Memory
SRAM memory cards, 8-21
Digital Demod, 4-67
Stop Length, 8-6
Configure, 4-62
Stop logging, A-10
sweep time
oscilloscope, 4-76
sweep trigger
arming, 4-79
Sync Mode
Measurement Sync, 4-67
Sync Pattern Start Position
Measurement Sync, 4-67, 4-68
Sync Status
Measurement Sync, 4-68
Output RF Spectrum (Main View), 4-
Output RF Spectrum (Trace View), 4-
Phase/Freq (Data Bits), 4-94
Phase/Freq (Main), 4-87
Phase/Freq (Multi-burst), 4-90
Phase/Freq (Phase Err), 4-92
Pulse, 4-105
Pulse Fall, 4-110