Mitsubishi Electronics M342i Cell Phone User Manual

Auto features
This feature is only operational when the phone is connected to a headset. The phone answers
the call automatically after about 5 seconds without the need to press a key.
This feature allows the phone to redial a number automatically if call has failed due to an engaged
line or an unavailable signal from the network. The number is re-dialled 10 times maximum until
connection is established.
When activated, Retrying and a countdown timer are displayed prior to each new attempt. An
auto-retry warning tone beeps each time a new call attempt is made.
Selecting Exit or pressing any key during the retry process cancels the operation.
This feature allows the phone to switch on or off automatically at a pre-determined time.
If the phone is already on at automatic switch-on time, it remains on.
When the phone is about to automatically switch, off a warning message and a countdown timer
are displayed. Selecting Exit cancels the switch off process.
If the mobile is already off at switch-off, it remains off.
Time & date
This feature allows you to set the mobile time according to the world time zone map, based on
Greenwich Mean Time (Origin clock). A Secondary clock is also available.
This feature is useful for the Diary. To import or export calendar cards, events and tasks, schedules
must be set according to Time zones.
Both clocks are displayed on the same screen. The date and time and the city name are displayed
for both clocks.
Press OK. Select Settings.
2 Select Phone settings.
3 Select Auto features.
4 Select Auto-answer and select On.
5 Select Save to store your setting.
Press OK. Select Settings.
2 Select Phone settings.
3 Select Auto features.
4 Select Auto-retry and select On.
5 Select Save to store your setting.
Press OK. Select Settings.
2 Select Phone settings.
3 Select Auto features.
4 Select Auto-switch-on or Auto-switch-off and select On to activate the feature.
5 Enter the time you want your mobile to switch on and/or to switch off and press OK.
6 Select Save to store your setting.
If a call is in progress at switch-off time, the switch-off process is postponed until the call has ended.
Caution - Remember to turn off the Auto switch-on feature when boarding an aircraft.
See "General safety", page 5.