
User Guide
creating, 52
deleting, 53
sorting contacts by, 53
sorting memos by, 53
sorting tasks by, 53
appointments, 56
bookmarks, 47
browser content type, 122
browser home page, 122
calendar views, 55
contacts in profile exceptions, 72
custom fields, 125
default calendar reminders, 56
device password, 84
email message recipients, 18
email messages, 18
first day of week in calendar, 127
mailing list members, 52
meeting invitees, 57
meetings, 56
message status, 19
password keeper password, 86
PIN messages, 18
sent messages, 18
task status, 59
volume for custom phone tunes, 126
See also
editing; setting
checking voice mail, 11
all categories, 126
browser cache, 48
device data, 86
fields, 133
compressing data size, 85
conflicts, with desktop email program data, 118
connecting, to wireless network, 81
adding, 51
adding custom phone tunes, 52
adding to email messages, 18
adding to PIN messages, 18
adding to SMS messages, 26
allowing duplicate, 125
applying categories, 53
assigning speed dial, 12
calling, 9
changing in profile exceptions, 72
clearing all categories, 126
creating categories, 52
deleting, 51
deleting categories, 53
editing, 51
frequently asked questions, 125
managing remote search results, 53
number of, 126
searching in remote address book, 53
sorting, 125
sorting by category, 53
synchronizing, 37
vCard attachments, 28
viewing, 51
See also
address book
content compression
about, 84
turning on, 85
content protection
about, 84
turning on, 85
Convenience key
about, 76
setting, 76
converting measurements, 65
calculation, 65
password keeper passwords, 86
text, 41
corporate extension dialing, setting, 15
country codes, setting default, 14
frequently asked questions, 81
selecting network, 81
AutoText entries, 42
bookmarks, 47
categories, 52
email messages, 17
filters, 20