39 Messaging
2. Touch a voicemail, text message, or missed call entry. When the messages
have been reviewed, is no longer displayed.
Voicemail #
This menu allows you to change your voice mail number.
To change your voice mail number:
1. Touch Messaging.
2. Touch Voicemail.
3. Touch Voicemail #.
4. Touch Other.
5. Use the keyboard to enter the new voice mail # .
6. Touch Save.
To change your voice mail back to the default voice mail:
1. Touch Messaging.
2. Touch Voicemail.
3. Touch Voicemail #.
4. Touch the default number.
Several options are associated with voicemail and text messaging. The Settings menu
allows you to customize the options to fit your preferences.
To access the Settings menu:
1. Touch Messaging.
2. Touch Settings.
3. Select General, Text Message, Picture Message, or Alert Setup.
General settings affect voicemail and text messages.
• Preset Messages: Allows you add or delete preset messages.
• Message Alert: Allows you to configure the default ringer for messages,
voicemail, and reminder alerts.
• Auto-Erase: Sets the phone to automatically delete old messages from the mail
boxes when they become full. This allows new messages to be added to a full mail
box without having to manually delete old messages to free up space first.