Nextel Two-Way Messaging
Numeric Messaging
• The caller must press 1 during your Voice Mail greeting.
• Once the caller presses 1, only a numeric message can be sent.
Operator Assisted Messaging*
• The caller can press “2” during your Voice Mail greeting. Or, call 1-800-
NEXGRAM (1-800-639-4726). Outside of the U.S., call 1-858-279-8495.
• A text message can be sent immediately or scheduled for future delivery.
• The operator will send the message.
* The Operator Assisted Messaging feature is required. There is also an additional
charge for this service. For more information, contact Customer Care.
Nextel Two-Way Messaging
Your i90c phone refers to Two-Way Messages as Net Mail.
With Two-Way Messaging, you can:
• Receive messages (up to 500 characters in length) with built-in replies and
respond to them at the touch of a button.
• Respond to messages when you’re in a meeting or noisy location.
• Create and store your own frequently used responses that let you send
informative answers without keying in text.
• Send messages to one individual from your phone or contact several at
once from any email system or nextel.com.
To activate this service, call Nextel Customer Care at 1-800-639-6111 or dial
611 from your Nextel phone. For additional information on how to use this
service, see “Two-Way Messaging” in the Nextel Wireless Web User’s Guide.