Using Your Phone as a Modem
Using Your Phone as a Modem
With Nextel Online
Dial-Up Service, you can use your i90c phone as a
wireless modem! You can connect your IBM™-compatible computer* or
Personal Digital Assistant* (PDA) to your i90c phone and access your
company’s network or the Internet — all without the hassle of locating a
telephone jack for a landline connection.
* Visit nextel.com for compatible operating systems.
To use Nextel Online Dial-Up Service, you must subscribe to a Nextel Online
Service Plan and have Dial-Up Service activated. To activate this service,
contact Nextel Customer Care.
NOTE:Nextel Online Dial-Up Service is only available in the continental
United States and Hawaii.
Scroll to highlight the service you wish to access and press C under
OK, or press the number shown to the left of your desired selection to
automatically jump to that service. Press * to return to the previous
To return to the home page from anywhere within the various menus
and sub-menus, press r.
NOTE:Home pages will vary depending on the Nextel Online
Service Plan to which you have subscribed.
To exit the browser, press r until the idle screen displays.
Press and hold q. The Browser Menu screen displays with Exit
Browser highlighted. Press C under OK. When you re-enter Net, you
will enter on the page from which you exited.