Chapter 7: Configuring Network Services
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 145
[-lbo index]
The line build out, in feet. Determine the value for <index>, based on the length of the
line (for DSX1) or equalization (for DS1), as follows:
[-trap (enabled|disabled)]
Enables or disables DS1 trap generation. Type -trap enabled or -trap disabled.
[-admin (up|down)]
Specifies the administrative status of the line. Type -admin up to activate the line. Type
-admin down to deactivate it.
[-id <circuit identifier>|"<circuit identifier with spaces>"]
A text string that identifies the circuit.
<circuit identifier>
The circuit identifier text string can contain any characters and can be any
length. However, if you include quotation marks in the name text string, the quotation
marks must be preceded by a backward slash (\). You can use multiple words separated by
an underscore.
<circuit identifier with spaces>
The circuit identifier with spaces text string can contain any characters and
be any length. You can use multiple words separated by spaces. If you include quotation
marks in the circuit identifier with spaces text string, the quotation marks
must be preceded by a backward slash (\).
Index Line Build Out/Equalization Line Type
00 dB DS1
1 -7.5 dB DS1
2-15 dB DS1
3 -22.5 dB DS1
4 0 to 133 feet (0 to 40 meters) DSX1
5 133 to 266 feet (40 to 81 meters) DSX1
6 266 to 399 feet (81 to 121 meters) DSX1
7 399 to 533 feet (121 to 162 meters) DSX1
8 533 to 655 feet (162 to 200 meters) DSX1