Configuring IP Routing
496 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Click and if necessary to view the entire IP Routing Table. displays the beginning of
the table. displays the next page of the table. Click
Get to update the IP Routing Table data.
IP Routing Table window displays the following information:
Adding IP Routing Table Entries
1 In the Destination IP box, type the IP address of the routing entry.
2 In the
Next Hop box, type the IP address of the next router in the network to which the packet
is to be forwarded.
3 In the Hop Count box, type the number of hops the packet is allowed to make to get to its
4 Click Add to activate the settings.
Information Description
Destination IP The IP address of the routing entry.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask used to specify what portion of the IP address is
considered when determining whether to route the packet based on
the data in this table row.
Next Hop The IP address of the next router in the network to which the packet is
to be forwarded.
Port An index number assigned by the system to the interface over which
the packet is routed. The management card Ethernet port always has
an index of 1. The number 2 indicates a loopback. The system assigns
numbers to other interfaces, such as line and channel card interfaces.
Hop Count The number of hops the packet is allowed to make to get to its
destination. This value is used by the RIP. If the packet makes the
maximum allowable hopes and is not yet at its destination, it is deleted.
Type The type of routing connection. Options:
• Indirect (requires multiple hops)
• Direct (local connection)
• Invalid (the route is invalid)
• Other (none of the above options)
Protocol The method by which the data in the IP Routing Table entry was
learned, either Local (manually configured) or RIP (learned
Age (sec) The number of seconds the IP Routing Table entry has been in the
table. Learned routing entries are automatically deleted once their Age
exceeds the maximum, which is determined by the routing protocol.
Static routes must be deleted manually.