624 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
communication path loopbacks 345, 563
OAM loopbacks 342, 558
interface information, ATM 460
ADSL, monitoring 316, 538
DS1, monitoring 320, 541
DS3, monitoring 322, 542
E1, monitoring 541
OC3, configuring 142, 416
SDSL Cell, monitoring 319, 540
SDSL Frame, monitoring 317, 539
selecting a management interface 15
SONET, monitoring 538
introduction to the
command-line interface 79
Web Interface 371
inventory, system
displaying 364, 588
IP address 42
configuring 91, 381
detecting 353, 570
mapping to MAC address 239
restricted 92, 381
IP routing
See routing
IP routing table 235, 495
IP statistics 311
LAN tunnels 44
line profiles
ADSL 100, 386
IDSL 127, 406
SDSL Cell 119, 399
SDSL Frame 111, 393
line profiles, SDSL Frame
configuring 111
line statistics 281, 518
link statistics in frame relay 296
LMI statistics 298
location ID 23
location ID for OAM 342
location, setting 88
logging off
command-line interface 83
Web interface 376
logging on
command-line interface 80
Web interface 372
loop status
ADSL 260, 506
IDSL 274, 515
SDSL Cell 268, 512
SDSL Frame 264, 510
communication path 345, 563
IDSL 348, 568
OAM 57, 342, 558