614 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Path A SONET layer that handles transport of services.
PCR (Peak Cell Rate) The maximum rate at which data is transferred on the line, measured in
cells per second.
Ping A program used to test the communication link between two computers
on a network.
QoS (Quality of Service) The configured traffic parameters that are assigned to a virtual circuit,
which specifies how quickly and how accurately data is transferred from
the sender to the receiver.
RDI (Remote Defect
Indicates that there is an error on the far end of the line.
RDI-L (Remote Defect
Indicator - Line)
Indicates that there is a SONET Line error at the far end of the line.
RDI-P (Remote Defect
Indicator - Path)
Indicates that there is a SONET Path error at the far end of the line.
Retry interval The number of seconds the system waits before reattempting to establish
the SPVC after a failed call attempt. The range is 0 to 3600.
Retry limit The maximum number of allowable unsuccessful call setup attempts. The
range is 0 to 65535. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
RIP (Routing Information
A protocol for managing routing information within a LAN or a group of
rt-VBR (real-time Variable
Bit Rate)
A traffic class that carries a variable bandwidth. It is well suited for
real-time services such as compressed voice and video which require
stringent cell transfer latency and less bursty traffic. It is not well suited
for LAN traffic due to the unpredictability of LAN traffic burst size.
SCR (Sustainable Cell
The average rate at which ATM cells are transferred, measured in cells per
SDSL (Symmetric Digital
Subscriber Line) Frame
A technology in which data is transferred at 1.544 Mbps each direction.
SDSL (Symmetric Digital
Subscriber Line) Cell
A technology in which ATM cells are transferred between the service
provider and the subscriber at up to 2048 kbps.
Section A SONET layer that handles framing, scrambling, and error monitoring.
SEF (Severely Errored
Detected when the incoming signal has a minimum of four consecutive
errored framing patterns.
SES (Severely Errored
Framing Seconds)
Seconds during which more than 2,500 bipolar errors are detected on the
SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol)
A protocol that specifies how to send information between a Network
Management System (NMS) and managed devices on a network. The
managed devices run a program called an agent. The agent interprets
SNMP requests and responds to them.
SONET (Synchronous
Optical NETwork)
An ANSI standard for transmitting information over optical fiber. This
standard is used in the United States and Canada.