Chapter 22: Configuring ATM Virtual Circuits
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 429
Adding ATM Traffic Profiles
ATM traffic profiles are stored in the ATM Traffic Descriptor Configuration Table window. Each
profile has an index number assigned to it. You use the index number to assign a profile to an
ATM connection.
1 In the
Traffic Type box, select the desired traffic descriptor type (UBR, CBR, rt-VBR or nrt-VBR).
The text boxes to the right display the default parameter values for the selected traffic type.
2 Type the desired information in the text boxes as follows:
3 To activate the profile, click Add. The new profile is assigned an index number and is
displayed in the
ATM Traffic Descriptor Table.
Parameter Description Valid Range Applies to Traffic Types…
PCR0+1 The desired peak cell rate to apply to
both tagged and non-tagged cells, in
cells per second.
150-353,207 UBR, CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR
SCR0+1 The sustainable cell rate, or minimum
guaranteed transmission rate, to be
applied to all cells, in cells per second.
150-353,207 rt-VBR, nrt-VBR
MBS0+1 The maximum burst size, or maximum
number of cells that can be transmitted
at the peak rate, in cells.
1-65,536 rt-VBR, nrt-VBR
CDVT The maximum allowable Cell Delay
Variation Tolerance, or delay between
consecutive ATM cells, in cells per
150-080,000 UBR, CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR
MaxCTD The Maximum Cell Transfer Delay, or
elapsed time between the transmission
of a cell and the receipt of that cell at its
destination, in microseconds.
20-1,000 CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR
CLR The maximum Cell Loss Ratio, or
number of lost cells divided by the total
number of transmitted cells.
5-12 CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR