Chapter 8: Configuring ATM Virtual Circuits
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 159
[-wtr <secs>]
Omit this parameter if you selected the autonorev or norev for the APS mode. When
the APS is set to rev, the Wait To Revert (WTR) timer specifies the number of seconds
that you want the system to wait before switching traffic from the protection channel back
to the working channel after a failure on the main channel has been cleared. The range is
300 to 720 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
[-trapenable (on|off)]
Determines whether APS trap generation is enabled or disabled. Type -trapenable on
to enable APS trap generation. Type -trapenable off to disable APS trap generation.
::aps=> set 2 -enable on -mode rev -wtr 300 -trapenable on
Issuing Manual APS Commands
Once APS is enabled, you can issue manual commands to override the configured APS
operation. After issuing a manual APS command, you must issue a clear command to resume
the configured APS operation. From the ::aps=> prompt type the following command, then
press .
command <slot> <(prot2workready|prot2work|work2prot|