Chapter 10: Configuring Bridging and Routing
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 249
You can configure several system-wide STP parameters. Each parameter comes preconfigured
with a default value, however you can modify each setting.
You modify system STP parameters from the ::globalstp=> prompt. From the
::root=> prompt, type the following command then press to display the
::globalstp=> prompt.
configuration bridging globalstp
Modifying System STP Parameters
From the ::globalstp=> prompt, type the modify command in the following format, then
press .
modify [-stpenable (on|off)] [-stppri <priority>][-maxage <sec>]
[-hellotime <sec>] [-fddelay <sec>]
[-stpenable (on|off)]
Enables or disables Spanning Tree Protocol. Type on to enable it. Type off to disable it.
[-stppri <priority>]
The priority of the system (the entire chassis) within the network. The valid range is 0 to
65535. The value 0 indicates the highest priority. The default value is 32768.
[-maxage <sec>]
The number of seconds after which entries in the Bridging Table will be deleted if they are
not re-learned. The valid range is 6 to 40. The default value is 20.
Information Description
Bridging Enabled Indicates whether system bridging is enabled or disabled.
WAN Broadcast Enabled Indicates whether unknown WAN frames are broadcast to all
logical interfaces.
Aging Time (sec) Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which Bridging Table
entries are deleted if they are not relearned.