Configuring Bridging and Routing Sessions
234 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The first row of the Session Configuration Table displays information for a session that connects
the management card to the ATM network. The VPI and VCI for this session are assigned
Information Description
Idx The Session Configuration Table row index number.
The slot and port on which the session is configured.
The session VPI and VCI. For SDSL sessions, the VPI and VCI value is
Sub A name assigned to identify the session.
Admin The administrative status of the session. Up indicates the session is
enabled. Down indicates the session is disabled.
Oper The operational status of the session. Up indicates the session is
operational and passing data. Down indicates the session is not
Ser The type of service configured for the session. Options:
• B—bridging
• R—routing
• BR—both bridging and routing
• N/A—no service
IpAddr The IP address of the management card logical port or WAN address
used for the session (routing sessions only).
Encap The configured encapsulation mode. Options:
• VcB—Vc Mux Bridged
• VcR—Vc Mux Routed
Pri The Spanning Tree Protocol priority of the session. The range is from 0
to 255, with 0 being the highest priority. The default is 128.
STP Cost The Spanning Tree Protocol path cost of the session. The valid range is
1 to 65535, with 1 being the lowest cost. The default value is 250 for WAN
ports and 100 for LAN ports.