Configuring DS1 Service
148 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The DS1 Configuration Table displays the following information.
Information Descriptions
Time Elapsed The number of seconds that have elapsed since the current
15-minute data collection period began.
Valid Intervals The number of 15-minute data collection intervals for which
data is collected. The Avidia system supports 96 intervals, or
24 hours, of data collection.
Line Type The type of DS1 line (Extended Superframe or AT&T D4).
Line Coding The type of coding on the line (B8ZS or AMI).
Send Code The type of data currently being transmitted. Currently, the only
data type supported is Sending Looped or Normal Data.
Circuit Identifier A text string that identifies the circuit.
Loopback Configuration The type of loopback in effect. Currently, loopbacks are not
supported, therefore Not in the Loopback State displays.
Line Status The status of the line interface. Options:
• dsx1NoAlarm—No alarm is present.
• dsx1RcvFarEndLOF—Remote loss of frame alarm.
• dsx1RcvAIS—Remote AIS.
• dsx1LossOfFrame—Local loss of frame alarm.
• dsx1LossOfSignal—Local loss of signal alarm.
Signal Mode The type of signalling in effect. Currently, signalling is not
supported, therefore None displays.
Transmit Clock Source The type of timing in use (Loop timing or Local timing).
Facilities Data Link This parameter is not currently supported, therefore
dsx1FdlNone displays. Facilities Data Link is a protocol that
enables communication with the remote device when in ESF
Invalid Intervals The Avidia system does not have invalid intervals, therefore 0
Line Build Out For a DSX1 line, the length of the line, in feet. For a DS1 line,
the line equalization, in dB.
Last Line Status Change The time at which the line entered its current status (see the
Line Status description above for a definition of line status).
Loop Back Status Loopbacks are not yet supported, therefore dsx1NoLoopback
DS1 Channel Number Channelization is not yet supported, therefore 0 displays.
Channelization This feature is currently disabled, therefore Disabled displays.
Admin Status The configured admin status of the line, either Up or Down.