Chapter 9: Configuring Frame Relay Interworking
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 219
FRF.5 defines how frames are encapsulated so that they can be carried by the ATM network to
another frame device.
You configure frame relay FRF.5 circuit parameters from the ::frf5=> prompt. From the
::root=> prompt, type the following command then press to display the ::frf5=>
configuration frame-relay frf5
DeM The DE mode, which determines the content of the
frame relay DE field when transmitting from ATM to
frame relay.
1—If the ATM CLP field of one or more cells belonging
to a frame is set, the frame relay DE field is set.
2—If the ATM CLP field of one or more cells belonging
to a frame is set, the frame relay DE field is set to the
DE value.
DeV The DE value, which determines the content of the
frame relay DE field when the DE mode is set to 2.
0—The network cannot discard frames.
1—The network can discard frames.
CIR The committed information rate (circuit throughput)
value in seconds (range: 0-144000)
Be The excess burst value, which is the maximum
number of uncommitted data bits that the network will
attempt to deliver (range: 0-144000).
Bc The committed burst value, which is the maximum
number of data bits that the network agrees to transfer
under normal conditions during the measurement
interval (range: 0-144000).
TPIx The traffic profile index.
Status Box Description