Chapter 23: Configuring Frame Relay Interworking
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 471
4 In the Line row, do the following:
a In the
Slot box, select the slot of the line card.
b In the
Port box, select the port of the line card.
c In the
VPI box, type the frame relay (fr) VPI of the fr VCC between the frame channel
card and the line card.
d In the VCI box, type the fr VCI of the fr VCC between the frame channel card and the
line card.
5 In the Data Link row, do the following:
a In the
LMI Type box, select the Local Management Interface type.
The LMI type defines a method of exchanging status information between the
customer device and the network. The following LMI Types are supported:
None—no LMI support
Rev-1—LMI Rev-1
Annex A—ITU 0.933 Annex-A
Annex D—ANSI T1 617 Annex-D
b In the
Poll Interval box, type the poll interval value in seconds. The valid range is 5 to
30, with 10 as the default.
Poll Interval is the number of seconds between LMI status inquiry messages.
c In the
Inquiry Interval box, type the inquiry interval value. The valid range is 1 to 255,
with 6 as the default.
Inquiry Interval is the number of poll intervals before a full status inquiry message is
If LMI Type is set to None, Poll Interval, Inquiry Interval, Error Threshold, and
Monitor Events are not used.