Chapter 3: Applications and Configuration Overview
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 25
Before configuring ATM virtual circuits, complete the following:
VPC Configuration
Card No. of VPIs per port VPI Range
OC3 and DS3 4,096 minus the number of VPIs
used for cross-connect PVCs
any number between 0-4095
not used for PVCs
DSX-/T1 256 minus the number of VPIs
used for cross-connect PVCs.
any number between 0-255
not used for PVCs
Cell-based ADSL 256 minus the number of VPIs
used for cross-connect PVCs
any number between 0-255
not used for PVCs
Cell-based SDSL 128 minus the number of VPIs
used for cross-connect PVCs
any number between 0-127
not used for PVCs
Set up xDSL service for the ports to be configured.
Set up ATM traffic profiles for both upstream and downstream traffic.
Map the ATM virtual circuits to be configured, including the VPIs and VCIs to be
assigned, verifying the values with the preceding tables.