Configuring PVCCs
446 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
8 In the Channel Encap box, select the encapsulation mode. (For TLS service type, select
llc-8023 or vc-mux-8023. For PPP service type, select LC-PPP or VC-MUX-PPP. For RAMP1483
proprietary protocol service type, select
This setting must match the encapsulation protocol used at the remote end. The default is
llc-8023 encapsulation. The llc-8023 (Logical Link Control) encapsulation is supported by
most ATM devices but has more overhead than vc-mux encapsulation. Use llc-8023 only
if the remote device that is connected to the frame channel card port uses RFC1483
Ethernet bridging (it will not work with token ring networks). Vc-mux-8023 does not use
an encapsulation header and works with any network protocol. Both encapsulation modes
are from ietf RFC1483 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5.
9 In the
Line Slot box, select the slot number of the line card you want to use for this PVCC.
10 In the
Line Port box, select the line card port number you want to use for this PVCC.
11 In the
Line VPI box, select the network-side VPI for this PVCC.
See the table on page 24 for a summary of the supported VPI ranges for each card.
12 In the
Line VCI box, type the network-side VCI for this PVCC.
Be sure the VPI/VCI combination specified in this step and Step 11 are not already in use
on this port. Open the PVCC Configuration Table window to view the configured VCIs. See
the table on page 24 for a summary of the supported VCI ranges for each card.
13 If you want to create a backup PVCC for the primary PVCC, in the Line box select Backup.
Then, do the following:
a In the Backup Slot box, select the slot number for the secondary line-side card you want
to use for this backup PVCC.
b In the Backup Port box, select the port number for the secondary line-side card you want
to use for this backup PVCC.
c In the
Backup VPI box, type a network-side VPI for this backup PVCC. The VPI
value can be either the same value as the primary PVCC or a different value for the
backup PVCC.
d In the
Backup VCI box, type a network-side VCI for this backup PVCC. The VCI
value can be either the same value as the primary PVCC or a different value for the
backup PVCC.
14 In the
Traffic Profile box, click Browse to display the ATM Traffic Descriptor Configuration Table