Monitoring SDSL Frame Performance
266 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Displaying SDSL Frame Performance History
You can monitor SDSL frame 15-minute, 24-hour and 7-day performance history. Type the perf
command in the following format then press .
perf [<port>] [-id (<number>|all)[-week]]
The port for which you want to view performance (format slot.port). Omitting this
parameter displays the specified loop status for all SDSL frame ports.
[-id (<number>|all)[-week]]
If you do not include the -week parameter in the command line, <number> is the
number of the 15-minute data collection interval for which the performance data is
displayed (valid numbers are
1 to 96). If you include the -week parameter in the
command line, <number> is the number of the day for which the performance data
is displayed (valid numbers are
1 to 7). To display performance data for all intervals in
the past 24 hours, type -id all.
Typing this parameter displays seven-day performance history.
Omitting both the -id and -week parameters displays current 24-hour performance data.
::frame=> perf 4.2 -id all -week
A screen similar to the following displays.
Network Customer
Port ESs UASs ESs UASs
3.1 0 1374 0 0
3.2 0 1374 0 0
3.3 0 1374 0 0