User Guide
Adjusting cues
You can easily adjust the position of cues, as well as the duration of range cues.
To reposition a cue:
Do one of the following:
• For point cues, drag the cue handle to a new location in the waveform display.
• For range cues, drag the red start handle to a new location in the waveform display.
• Select the cue, and click Edit Cue Info in the Cue List window. Enter a new value in the
Begin text box.
To change the duration of a range cue:
• Drag the blue end handle to a new location in the waveform display.
• Select the cue, and click Edit Cue Info in the Cue List window. Enter a new value in the
End or Length text box.
Merging, converting, and deleting cues
Adobe Audition lets you merge cues, and it also lets you convert point cues to range cues,
and vice versa. If you find that you don’t need a cue, you can delete it.
To merge cues:
1 Select the cues you want to merge. You can select only two cue ranges to merge, but you
can select any number of cue points.
2 Click Merge in the Cue List window.
Note: The new merged cue inherits its name from the first cue. You lose any information in
the Label and Desc text boxes for the subsequent merged cue.
To convert a point cue to a range cue:
Right-click the cue handle, and choose Make Range. The cue handle splits into two handles.
ug.book Page 99 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM