User Guide
• D5 sends the D5 SCSI Op Code to the CD-ROM drive.
• NEC works with older NEC CD-ROM drives.
CD Speed Lists all extraction speeds that the selected CD-ROM drive supports and lets
you specify the speed you want to use. The Max (Maximum) Speed option usually
produces satisfactory results, but if it produces errors, specify a slower speed.
Buffer Size Specifies how much data Adobe Audition
calls into the CD Extraction module
to fetch, therefore determining how much data is pulled from the CD in each call to the
read command. The default is 16 KB, but you can experiment with other sizes (which
range all the way to the highest buffer size the CD-ROM drive supports). Although higher
sizes mean faster ripping, they could introduce errors into the ripped file.
Swap Byte Order Changes the byte order from Little Endian to Big Endian, or vice-versa.
Some CD-ROM drives designed to work only with other types of computers (like DEC
and Macintosh systems) report data by using the Little Endian byte order, while PCs use
the Big Endian method. Normally, you should leave this box unchecked; check it only if
the extraction process seems to work fine but the audio results are “garbage.”
Swap Channels Places the left channel of a CD’s audio in the right channel of the Wave
Display, and places the right channel of the audio in the Wave Display’s left channel.
Spin Up Before Extraction Causes the CD-ROM drive to start spinning before Adobe
Audition extracts the data. Some CD-ROM drives have better accuracy if they first read
the CD after the drive is spinning. Selecting this option for other drives, however, doesn’t
provide any advantage.
Recording from CDs internally
If you have an older CD-ROM drive that doesn’t support digital extraction, or if you have
problems ripping a track into Adobe Audition, then you can record from a CD in real-time
through the sound card on your computer. This method is called internal recording. Keep
in mind that not all PC's have an analog cable from a CD drive, and not all computers react
the same way when recording from CD internally. As a result, this method is never
preferable to extracting from CD digitally.
Before you record from a CD internally, you should always preview the CD Audio input
level to make sure that clipping won’t occur.
ug.book Page 67 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM