Editing Audio
Higher values retain more high frequencies (they prevent aliasing of higher frequencies to
lower ones), but the conversion takes longer. Lower values requires less processing time
but result in certain high frequencies being “rolled off,” leading to muffled-sounding
audio. Usually, values between 100 and 400 are fine for most conversion needs.
Use higher values whenever you downsample a high rate to a low rate. When upsam-
pling, results from lower values sound almost identical to those from higher values.
4 Select Pre/Post Filter to prevent false frequencies from being generated at the low end
of the audio spectrum. Select this option for the best results.
5 Click OK.
Converting between stereo and mono
The Convert Sample Type command is the quickest way to convert a mono waveform into
a stereo waveform, and vice versa. (You can also copy the waveform at its current volume
directly into one channel or the other.) If you want to place separate waveforms on each
channel of a stereo file and mix them at different volume levels, you can use the Mix Paste
command instead.
To convert a waveform from mono to stereo, or vice versa:
1 Choose Edit > Convert Sample Type. Alternatively, click the Convert Sample Type
button in the toolbar.
2 Select Mono or Stereo.
3 Enter percentages for Left Mix and Right Mix:
• When you convert a waveform from mono to stereo, the Left Mix and Right Mix
options let you specify the relative amplitude with which the original mono signal is
placed into each side of the new stereo signal. For example, you can place the mono
source on the left channel only, the right channel only, or any balance point in between.
• When you convert from stereo to mono, the Left Mix and Right Mix options let you
control the amount of signal from the respective channel that will be mixed into the
final mono waveform. The most common mixing method is to use 50% of both
4 Click OK.
ug.book Page 112 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM