User Guide
Snap To Ruler (Coarse) command
Snap To Zero Crossings command
about 91
clips 170
SND format 233, 238
soloing tracks 181
sound card
defined 287
positioning information 46
sound wave, defined 287
sound, fundamentals of 267
special effects
convolution 153
distortion 153
music 153
noise 108
tones 109
spectral display, adjusting 49
Spectral View
adjusting display settings 50
selecting frequencies in 88
switching between Waveform
View and 85
using 85
splines 29
Split command 172
SPTI (SCSI Pass Through
Interface) 46
Static Peaks option 81
Statistics command 123
Status Bar window 21
defined 287
imagery, changing 139
Stereo Field Rotate effect 141
stereo waveforms
choosing which channel to edit
converting to mono 112
stop playing or recording 78
Stretch effect 146
stretching audio 146, 177
stripe, defined 287
Studio Reverb effect 153
subwoofer 217
Surround Panner 216, 217
SVX format 233
Sweeping Phaser effect 144
symmetric dithering 52
Synchronize Clips With Edit View
command 69
Synchronize Cursor Across
Windows command 69
loops 205
multitrack latency 39
Take History command 75
defined 288
editing 71
temporary folders
managing size of 57
setting location 47
time display format 70
Time Selection tool 164, 168
time stretching clips 177
Time window 69
timecode, defined 288
Timed Record Mode command 72
timeline, snapping to ruler 91
tones, generating 109
Tool tab, Favorites dialog box 255
toolbars 13
tooltips 13
touch tones, generating 106
track controls, defined 288
track cues
defined 288
for CD 98
inserting 258
Track Equalizers window 182
Track Mixer 191
Track Properties window 180
bit depth, setting 182
changing volume 180
channel, setting 182
defined 288
equalizing 182
inserting files into 25
locking 188
muting 181
naming 180
panning 180
soloing 181
tracks for CDs
editing source audio 260
inserting 258
removing 259
selecting 259
setting properties 260
Transport Controls
Fast Forward button 79
Go to Beginning button 79
Go to End button 79
Pause button 79
Play buttons 75
Record button 72, 73, 74
ug.book Page 299 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM