dynamic range, displayed in Level
Meters 81
Dynamics Processing effect 136
adding to audio 147
defined 280
Echo Chamber effect 149
Echo effect 148
Edit Favorites command 253
Edit Original functionality,
embedding in files 51, 207
Edit Tempo command 199
Edit View
considerations for using 83
switching to 11
using 10
using effects in 139
editing audio
See also specific editing tasks
general considerations 83
in Multitrack View 170
undoing and redoing 22
See also specific effect names
cancelling 54
general use of 28
graph controls 29
grouping in Effects tab 26
plug-ins 32
presets 28
real-time, about 185
using in Edit View 139
Effects Rack dialog box 185
Effects tab in Organizer window 26
8-bit signed format 232
empty audio clips, inserting 178
Enable DirectX Effects command
Enable Preroll And Postroll
Preview command 32
enhancing audio, about 117
Envelope effect 135
Envelope Follower effect 157
defined 280
for clips 188
equal loudness contour 246
equalization (EQ), defined 280
expander, defined 280
mixdowns to audio 229
mixdowns to video 230
Extract Audio From CD command
Extract Audio From CD options 66
fading audio files 134
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT),
defined 280
fast-forwarding 79
about 253
viewing in Favorites tab 27
FFT Filter effect 130
See also specific format names
backward compatibility 51
choosing a format 231
closing 25
converting to a different format
227, 229
creating new 84
linking to Adobe Premiere Pro
or After Effects 51, 207
monitoring size of 22
opening 61
properties, adding 116
renaming 249
saving audio to 227
Files tab 24
filtering audio, about 129
Find Beats And Mark command
Find Beats commands 90
5.1 surround sound 213
flange, defined 280
Flanger effect 144
Flush Virtual File command 58
defined 281
forcing complete flush 48
Force New Row command 15
frames, snapping to 91
selecting 88
viewing 85
Frequency Band Splitter effect 157
frequency range, analyzing 119
frequency, defined 281
Full command 170
Full Reverb effect 150
Function tab, in Favorites dialog
box 254
FX Mixer window 186
Generate commands 106
graph controls 29
Graphic Equalizer effect 131
Graphic Phase Shifter effect 145
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