Creating Surround Sound
8 To use spline curves for smoother transitions between points, select Splines.
9 Drag the playback cursor back to the start of the track, and select one of the Play buttons.
Watch the Panner Point position, and listen for the dynamic pan setting you just created.
Adjusting volume levels
The Multichannel Encoder lets you adjust the subchannel level, center channel level, and
track level.
To adjust the level:
Use any of the following options in the Multichannel Encoder dialog box:
Sub Channel Level Specifies the amplitude of the subchannel level to additionally send the
track’s signal to the LFE channel.If the currently selected track is assigned to only the LFE
channel, this option attenuates the amount of this track’s output sent to the LFE channel.
Note: The Multichannel Encoder does not apply filtering to audio sent to the LFE channel, nor
during preview, exporting, or encoding. Therefore, any low-pass filtering needed for your final
LFE channel content should be applied to your audio within the Adobe Audition Multitrack,
or on your exported .wav files.
Use a Bass Management circuit in your monitoring setup to ensure that you hear the
representative mix levels that might be reproduced in an end listener’s playback system.
Center Channel Level Determines the balance of the Front Left, Center, and Front Right
channels when in the Surround Panner modes. When set to 100, the Center channel
receives an equal percentage of signal as the Front Left and Front Right channels. The
position of the Panner Point then determines the positional panning according to this
Front Left, Center, Front Right balance ratio.
Track Level Controls the amplitude level of the currently selected track within the Multi-
channel mix in any selected Surround Panner mode.
ug.book Page 220 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM