User Guide
Style Specifies a style for the noise:
• Spatial Stereo generates noise by using three unique noise sources and spatially
encoding them to seem as if one comes from the left, one from the center, and one from
the right. When you listen to the result with stereo headphones, your mind perceives
sound coming from all around. To specify the distance from center of the left and right
noise sources, enter a delay value in microseconds. About 900 to 1000 microseconds
correspond to the maximum delay perceivable. A delay of zero is identical to monaural
noise, where left and right channels are the same.
• Independent Channels generates noise by using two unique noise sources, one for each
channel. The left channel’s noise is completely independent of the right channel’s noise.
• Mono generates noise by using a single noise source, with the left and right channels set
equally to that source.
• Inverse generates noise by using a single noise source (similar to the Mono option).
However, the left channel’s noise is exactly inverse of the right channel’s noise. When
you listen to the result with stereo headphones, your mind perceives sound coming
from within your head instead of from somewhere externally.
Intensity Specifies the intensity of the noise on a scale of 2 to 40. At higher intensities, the
noise becomes more erratic and sounds harsher and louder.
Duration Determines the number of seconds of noise that Adobe Audition generates.
For very long periods of noise, it’s faster to generate a shorter period (say, about 10 to 20
seconds) and delete excess noise at the beginning and end so that the waves start and end
at the midpoint. Then, copy and loop (choose Edit > Mix Paste) as many times as needed.
Generating tones
The Tones command lets you create a simple waveform and gives you control over
numerous amplitude- and frequency-related settings. Generating tones is a great place to
start when you create new sound effects.
To generate tones:
1 Place the cursor where you want to insert the tones. Or, if you want to replace part of
the existing waveform, select the desired range of audio data.
2 Choose Generate > Tones.
ug.book Page 109 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM