User Guide
To mix and reconfigure buses:
1 In Multitrack View, choose Window > Mixer.
2 Click the Bus Mixer tab, and then set the following options:
Out Opens the Bus Properties dialog box, where you can specify a different output device
or combination of effects.
Config Opens the configuration window for the selected bus. Here you can access the
parameters for each effect added to the bus. Sliders also let you adjust the volume of all
effects in the bus, as well as the desired Dry Out level.
• Click Serial to connect the effects on the bus in sequence, with the output of one effect
connected to the input of the next.
• Click Parallel to connect the effects on the bus separately, mixing only their outputs
• Click Rack Setup to open the Properties dialog box for the bus.
Pan controls Adjust the balance of each track. To use the control that looks like an asterisk,
drag it to one of three positions: hard left, zero pan, and hard right. The Pan text box
provides a more precise way of adjusting pan. To change a pan value, drag across the text
box to the left or right.
Mute and Solo buttons Let you mute or solo a bus. Click the Mute button for as many
buses as you like to turn off their output. Click the Solo button to solo the bus. To solo
multiple buses, hold down the Ctrl key as you click the Solo buttons.
Bus faders Adjusts the relative volume of the bus in the mix. Move the slider up (or click
the triangle above it) to increase the volume; move it down (or click the triangle below it)
to reduce volume. Alternatively, enter a value in decibels in the text box above the slider.
Scroll bar Lets you scroll through buses if all of them don’t fit in the Bus Mixer tab.
ug.book Page 195 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM