Mixing Multitrack Sessions
Note: With MIDI clips, volume envelopes control MIDI velocity, which usually represents the
force with which a note is struck. However, some synthesizers are programmed so that velocity
changes pitch or harmonic content.
To clear all control points for an envelope:
Right-click the clip containing the envelope, and choose Envelopes > [envelope type] >
Clear Selected Points.
To use spline curves for an envelope:
Right-click the clip containing the envelope, and choose Envelopes > [envelope type] >
Use Splines.
To rescale a volume envelope:
1 Right-click the clip containing the envelope, and choose Rescale Volume Envelopes.
2 Enter the number of decibels by which you want to raise or lower the envelope. Possible
values range from –40 to 40. Negative values raise envelopes and lower clip volume by an
equal amount; positive values do the opposite.
Yo u can also rescale all volume envelopes in a session.
Using the Mixers window
The Mixers window consists of the Track Mixer and Bus Mixer tabs, as well as a slider that
controls the master volume of your session.
The Track Mixer tab mimics a real-world mixing console. It gives you an alternative view
of a session, providing a broader overview than the track display, especially if you’re
working with more than a handful of tracks at once.
The Bus Mixer tab lets you create, configure, and control up to 26 buses. With buses, you
can group related tracks and collectively adjust volume or apply real-time effects.
Even if you don’t use the Mixers window, consider docking and resizing it so that only
the master volume slider is visible. You can use this slider to quickly optimize the overall
volume of a mix.
ug.book Page 190 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM