Saving, Exporting, and Closing Files
• 24-bit Packed Int (type 1, 24-bit) saves straight 24-bit integers so any data beyond the
bounds is clipped. The .wav BitsPerSample is set to 24 and BlockAlign is set to 3 bytes
per channel.
• 24-bit Packed Int (type 1, 20-bit) saves straight 24-bit integers so any data beyond the
bounds is clipped. The .wav BitsPerSample is set to 20 and BlockAlign is set to 3 bytes
per channel. The extra 4 bits are actually the remaining valid bits when saving, and they
are used when reading (thus still giving 24-bit accuracy if those bits were actually
present when writing). Applications either fill those last 4 bits with zeros or with actual
data; analog/digital converters that generate 20 bits of valid data automatically set the
remaining 4 bits to zero. Any type 1 format with BlockAlign set to 3 bytes per channel
is assumed to be packed integers, and a BitsPerSample value between 17 and 24 will read
in all 24 bits and assume the remaining bits are either accurate or set to zero.
• 32-bit 24.0 Float (type 1, 24-bit) – Non-Standard saves full 32-bit floats (ranging from
+/–8million), but the .wav BitsPerSample is set to 24 while BlockAlign is still set to
4 bytes per channel.
• 16.8 float – Obsolete/Compatibility is the internal format used by Adobe Audition 1.0.
Floating point values range from +/–32768.0, but larger and smaller values are valid and
aren’t clipped since the floating point exponent is saved as well. The .wav BitsPerSample
is set to 32 and BlockAlign is set to 4 bytes per channel.
• Enable Dithering dithers 32-bit files when they are saved to a PCM format (20-bit,
24-bit, or 32-bit). This option is available only for a 32-bit file that you select to save to
a nonfloating-point type format. It applies a Triangular dither with a 1.0 depth 1.0 and
no noise shaping. If you wish to apply a noise-shaped dither, use the Edit > Convert
Sample Type command to dither the audio first, and then save the file without dithering
enabled in the file format options.
ug.book Page 240 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM