User Guide
Working with loops in the track display
After you add loops to a multitrack session, you can edit them in the track display,
extending them to repeat as needed, and synchronizing them with the beat of the music.
Loops in the track display
A. Single loop B. No loop C. Extended (repeated) loops. Even though loop files are short,
you can extend them to repeat as many times as needed.
To synchronize loops to musical beats:
1 Choose View > Display Time Format > Bars And Beats to change the format of the ruler
to bars: beats:ticks per beat. This format makes it easier to visually line up loops with
musical beats. (See “Monitoring time” on page 69.)
2 From the Edit > Snapping submenu, choose any of the following
• Snap To Ruler (Coarse) to snap loops to the beats within bars. Use this option if you
work with 1/4 or 1/2 bar loop files. (See “Snapping” on page 91.)
• Snap To Clips to snap loops to the start or end of audio clips. (See “Snapping clips to
loop endpoints and other clips” on page 170.)
• Snap To Loop Endpoints to snap loops to the start or end of other loops. (See “Snapping
clips to loop endpoints and other clips” on page 170.)
Also consider snapping non-loop-enabled audio clips to the beat and each other, so that
all clips are aligned. You can snap the current-time indicator, too.
ug.book Page 205 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM