
Mixing Multitrack Sessions
To return to the full, original version of a clip:
Select the clip, and choose Edit > Full. Alternatively, right-click the clip, and choose Full.
The Full command doesn’t apply to loops; instead, adjust clip boundaries by dragging
To edit the source file for an audio clip in Edit View:
Double-click the clip.
Splitting and rejoining audio and MIDI clips
The Split command functions similarly to a traditional tape splice; it cuts audio and MIDI
clips into parts. When a clip is split, each part becomes a new clip that can be indepen-
dently moved or deleted. Splitting is nondestructive, so you can rejoin split clips with the
Merge/Rejoin Split command.
Selecting a range and splitting one clip into three independent clips
To split a clip:
1 In the toolbar, click the Time Selection tool or the Hybrid tool .
2 Do either of the following:
To split the clip in two, click where you want the split to occur.
To split the clip into three, drag across it to specify two split points (one at the beginning
of the selection; one at the end).
3 In the toolbar, click the Split Clip button .
ug.book Page 172 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM