Mixing Multitrack Sessions
To return to the full, original version of a clip:
Select the clip, and choose Edit > Full. Alternatively, right-click the clip, and choose Full.
The Full command doesn’t apply to loops; instead, adjust clip boundaries by dragging
To edit the source file for an audio clip in Edit View:
Double-click the clip.
Splitting and rejoining audio and MIDI clips
The Split command functions similarly to a traditional tape splice; it cuts audio and MIDI
clips into parts. When a clip is split, each part becomes a new clip that can be indepen-
dently moved or deleted. Splitting is nondestructive, so you can rejoin split clips with the
Merge/Rejoin Split command.
Selecting a range and splitting one clip into three independent clips
To split a clip:
1 In the toolbar, click the Time Selection tool or the Hybrid tool .
2 Do either of the following:
• To split the clip in two, click where you want the split to occur.
• To split the clip into three, drag across it to specify two split points (one at the beginning
of the selection; one at the end).
3 In the toolbar, click the Split Clip button .
ug.book Page 172 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM