
Importing, Recording, and Playing Audio
To preview the contents of a selected file:
Do any of the following:
Click Play to listen to the file once.
Select Loop to repeat the file until you click Stop.
Click Auto Play to play files automatically when you select them.
To append an audio file to the current waveform:
1 In Edit View, choose File > Open Append.
If the new audio has a different sample rate, resolution, or channel type than the current
waveform, Adobe Audition converts it to match the current waveform. For the best results,
append files that have the same sample rate as the waveform.
2 Locate and select the file you want to open. To select multiple, adjacent files, click the
first file and then Shift-click the last. To select multiple, nonadjacent files, Ctrl-click them.
3 Click Open.
To convert audio to a different sample rate, resolution, or channel type during import:
1 In Edit View, choose File > Open As.
2 Locate and select the file you want to open, and click Open.
3 Set the desired options in the Open File(s) As dialog box, and click OK:
Sample Rate Determines how many frequencies can be encoded in the audio signal.
(Higher sampling rates mean wider bandwidth.) For more information, see “About
sample rates” on page 110.
Channels Determines if the waveform is mono or stereo. Select Mono to create a
waveform with just one channel of audio information. This option works well for a voice-
only recording. Select Stereo to create a two-channel waveform with separate right and left
channels. This option is usually best for a music recording. Because they contain twice as
much data, stereo waveforms consume twice the storage space of mono waveforms.
Resolution Determines the number of unique amplitude levels Adobe Audition can use
to represent a sound. The 32-bit level is best while you work in Adobe Audition, and you
convert down for output if necessary.
ug.book Page 62 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM