Setting up Adobe Audition
Allow For Partially Processed Data After Canceling Effect Determines what happens after
you click the Cancel button while in the middle of applying an effect to a waveform. When
selected, Adobe Audition leaves the effect applied to all data processed up until the point
you clicked Cancel. When deselected, Adobe Audition automatically removes the effect on
already processed data when you click Cancel.
Multitrack options
The Multitrack tab in the Settings dialog box provides options that let you optimize
performance during recording, playback, and mixdown.
Playback Buffer Size Determines the buffer size (in seconds) used when sending data to
your sound card when playing back a multitrack session. Different sound card drivers may
require different memory buffer size settings. Adobe Audition’s default settings should
work fine for most sound cards. If you hear choppiness (skips or dropouts) in multitrack
playback, adjust the buffer size. (Choppiness in multitrack playback can also be attributed
to the background mixing process not being far enough ahead). A larger buffer size
requires more computer memory. The default setting is 1.
Playback Buffers Specifies the number of buffers Adobe Audition uses for playback in
the multitrack environment. If you experience break-up in your audio, try reducing the
number of buffers. Increasing this number might also be helpful for some configurations.
The default setting is 10.
Recording Buffer Size Reserves memory for recording in a multitrack session by entering
a buffer size (in seconds). Different sound card drivers may require different memory
buffer size settings. Adobe Audition’s default settings should work fine for most sound
cards. If you experience dropouts while recording in multitrack (especially when playback
seems fine), try increasing this setting. (First, be sure the background mixing process is
sufficiently complete when you go to record as this may cause the same symptom.) A
larger buffer size requires more computer memory. The default setting is 2 seconds.
Recording Buffers Specifies the number of buffers used for recording in the multitrack
environment. If you experience break-ups in your audio, try reducing the number of buffers.
Increasing this number may also help for some configurations. The default setting is 10.
Background Mixing Priority Specifies the priority level of the background mixing process
in a multitrack session. Lower values indicate a higher level of priority above other system
events. You can use fractional numbers (such as 0.8). The default setting is 2.
ug.book Page 54 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM