
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# config bgp neighbor map peer_group Campus unsuppress_map add Profile1
Command: config bgp neighbor map peer_group Campus unsuppress_map add Profile1
config bgp neighbor filter
Purpose This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor’s filter related setting.
config bgp neighbor filter [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] { filter_list [
in | out] [add | delete] <list_name 16> | prefix_list [in | out] [add | delete] <list_name 16>
| capability_orf_prefix_list [receive | send | both | none]}(1)
Description The command is used to configure the filter related setting for a BGP neighbor.
filter_list: If the filter list doesn’t exist, it will permit all. Or if the filter list does exist but has no
filter entry, it means deny any.
prefix_list: If the prefix list doesn’t exist or the prefix list does exist but has no filter entry
defined, it will permit all.
capability_orf_prefix_list: The BGP Outbound Route Filter Capability allows one BGP
router to install its configured inbound prefix list filter on to the remote BGP router. This is
used for reducing the amount of unwanted routing updates from the remote peer.
<ipaddr> - Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
<peer_group_name> - Specifies the peer group to be configured.
filter_list - Specifies the name of an as_path access_list to be applied as a filter. The filtering
can be applied to incoming routes or outgoing routes.
prefix_list - Specifies the name of a prefix_list to be applied as a filter. The filtering can be
applied to incoming routes or outgoing routes.
in - Specify to apply inbound traffic.
out - Specify to apply outbound traffic.
capability_orf_prefix_list - Used to configure an outbound route filter prefix list capability. It
can be sent with the following values:
receive - Enables the ORF prefix list capability in the receiving direction. The local
router will install the prefix filter list notified by the remote router.
send - Enables the ORF prefix list capability in the sending direction. The local router
will notify the remote router for the ORF prefix list capability.
both - Enables the ORF prefix list capability in both received and send directions.
none - Disable the ORF prefix list capability in both received and send directions.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the BGP neighbor ingress filter list for the peer group “Campus” to List1:
DGS-3627:admin# config bgp neighbor filter peer_group Campus filter_list in add List1
Command: config bgp neighbor filter peer_group Campus filter_list in add List1
show bgp peer_group
Purpose The command is used to show the information of the BGP peer group.