DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
BGP is a UNICAST Routing protocol. It can be used on any Layer 3 Ethernet switch supporting the IP routing function.
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) debug commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the
appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
debug error_log [dump | clear | upload_toTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64>]
debug buffer [utilization | dump | clear | upload_toTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64>]
debug output [module <module_list> | all] [buffer | console]
debug bgp show flag
debug bgp all flag [enable | disable]
debug bgp fsm_event [enable | disable]
debug bgp packet [ {open | update | keepalive | notify | refresh | capability } (1) | all ] [ in | out ] [
enable | disable ]
debug bgp error state [enable | disable]
debug bgp show global_info
debug bgp show peer
debug bgp show peer_group
debug bgp show network
debug bgp show aggregate
debug bgp show damp
debug bgp show interface_info
debug bgp show bgp_timer
debug bgp show redist_list
debug bgp show as_path_access_list
debug bgp show community_list
debug bgp route_map [enable | disable]
debug bgp access_list [enable | disable]
debug bgp prefix_list [enable | disable]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
debug error_log
Purpose This command is used to dump, clear, or upload the software error log to the TFTP server
debug error_log [dump | clear | upload_toTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64>]
Description This command is used to dump, clear, or upload the software error log to the TFTP server.