
xStack DES-6500 Modular Layer 3 Chassis Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
DES-6500:4# config traffic control_recover 1:1-1:5
Command: config traffic control_recover 1:1-1:5
config traffic control_trap
Purpose Used to configure the trap settings for the packet storm control
config traffic control_trap [none | storm_occurred |
storm_cleared | both]
Description This command will configure how packet storm control trap
messages will be used when a packet storm is detected by the
Switch. This function can only be used for the software traffic
storm control mechanism (when the action field in the config
traffic storm_control command is set as shutdown).
Parameters none – No notification will be generated or sent when a packet
storm control is detected by the Switch.
storm _occurred – A notification will be generated and sent when
a packet storm has been detected by the Switch.
storm_cleared - A notification will be generated and sent when a
packet storm has been cleared by the Switch.
both - A notification will be generated and sent when a packet
storm has been detected and cleared by the Switch.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure notifications to be sent when a packet storm control has been detected and cleared by the Switch.
DES-6500:4# config traffic control trap both
Command: config traffic control trap both
show traffic control
Purpose Used to display current traffic control settings.
show traffic control {<portlist>}
Description This command displays the current storm traffic control
configuration on the Switch.
<portlist> Used to specify port or list of ports for which to display
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