xStack DES-6500 Modular Layer 3 Chassis Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
DES-6500:4#disable stp
Command: disable stp
config stp version
Purpose Used to globally set the version of STP on the Switch.
config stp version [mstp | rstp | stp]
Description This command allows the user to choose the version of the
spanning tree to be implemented on the Switch.
Parameters mstp – Selecting this parameter will set the Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol (MSTP) globally on the Switch.
rstp - Selecting this parameter will set the Rapid Spanning Tree
Protocol (RSTP) globally on the Switch.
stp - Selecting this parameter will set the Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP) globally on the Switch.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To set the Switch globally for the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP):
DES-6500:4#config stp version mstp
Command: config stp version mstp
config stp
Purpose Used to setup STP, RSTP and MSTP on the Switch.
config stp {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value 1-20> |
hellotime <value 1-10> | forwarddelay <value 4-30>|
txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable | disable] | lbd
[enable | disable] | lbd_recover_timer [0 | <sec 60-1000000>]}
Description This command is used to setup the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
for the entire switch. All commands here will be implemented for
the STP version that is currently set on the Switch.
maxage <value 6-40> − This value may be set to ensure that old
information does not endlessly circulate through redundant paths
in the network, preventing the effective propagation of the new
information. Set by the Root Bridge, this value will aid in
determining that the Switch has spanning tree configuration