Ladder Programming with Tag Data Links Section 6-3
6-3 Ladder Programming with Tag Data Links
6-3-1 Ladder Programming Related to Tag Data Links
If data in the ladder program is linked by tag data links, add conditions 1 to 4
in the ladder program for that data. If you want to use target node PLC flags
as input conditions, add conditions 5 and 6.
For details on the various flags, refer to 4-2 CIO Area Allocations.
Conditions showing the EtherNet/IP Unit’s Tag Data Links are enabled:
1. The Unit Error Occurred Flag (n+10, bit 00) is OFF,
2. and the Online Flag (n+11, bit 00) is ON,
3. and the Tag Data Link Operating Flag (n+11, bit 01) is ON.
Conditions showing that connections are established with the target
device, and tag data links are operating:
4. The corresponding Normal Target Node Flag (in words n+20 to n+23) is
The location of the Normal Target Node Flags depends on the layout set-
ting. For details on the layout settings, refer to 4-2-2 Details of the Allocated
CIO Area Words.
Note With revision 2 or higher, the Normal Target Node Flag will turn ON
only after the data for all connections for the target device has been
refreshed in the CPU Unit. With revision 1, the Normal Target Node
Flag will turn ON after the data for only one connection for the tar-
get device has been refreshed in the CPU Unit.
Condition showing that the Target Node PLC is operating (OMRON PLCs
5. The corresponding Target Node PLC Operating Flag (in words n+2 to n+5)
is ON.
Condition showing the Target Node PLC’s fatal or non-fatal error status
(OMRON PLCs only):
6. The corresponding Target Node PLC Error Flag (in words n+6 to n+9) is
When you want to use the Target Node PLC Error Flag, the PLC status
must be included in the tag sets for both the originator and target. Include
the PLC status by using the Network Configurator to select the Include Op-
tions in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Boxes. For details, refer to 6-3-2 Status
Flags Related to Tag Data Links.
Example of Programming
to Detect Normal Status
The following programming can be used to confirm that normal communica-
tions are being performed for each target node. If the PLC status is included in
the tag data, the status of the PLC can also be detected.