CIP Message Communications Appendix D
1D Invalid attribute value
The service is returning the list of attributes supplied with status information for
those attributes that were invalid.
1E Embedded service
An embedded service resulted in an error.
1F Vendor specific error A vendor specific error has been encountered. The Additional Code Field of
the Error Response defines the particular error encountered. Use of this Gen-
eral Error Code should only be performed when none of the Error Codes pre-
sented in this table or within an Object Class definition accurately reflect the
20 Invalid parameter A parameter associated with the request was invalid. This code is used when a
parameter does not meet the requirements of this specification and/or the
requirements defined in an Application Object Specification.
21 Write-once value or
medium already written
An attempt was made to write to a write-once medium (e.g. WORM drive,
PROM) that has already been written, or to modify a value that cannot be
changed once established.
22 Invalid Reply Received An invalid reply is received (e.g. reply service code does not match the request
service code, or reply message is shorter than the minimum expected reply
size). This status code can serve for other causes of invalid replies.
23-24 Reserved by CIP for future extensions
25 Key Failure in path The Key Segment that was included as the first segment in the path does not
match the destination module. The object specific status shall indicate which
part of the key check failed.
26 Path Size Invalid The size of the path which was sent with the Service Request is either not
large enough to allow the Request to be routed to an object or too much rout-
ing data was included.
27 Unexpected attribute in
An attempt was made to set an attribute that is not able to be set at this time.
28 Invalid Member ID The Member ID specified in the request does not exist in the specified Class/
29 Member not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable member was received.
2A Group 2 only server
general failure
This error code may only be reported by DeviceNet group 2 only servers with
4K or less code space and only in place of Service not supported, Attribute not
supported and Attribute not settable.
2B-CF --- Reserved by CIP for future extensions
D0-FF Reserved for Object
Class and service
This range of error codes is to be used to indicate Object Class specific errors.
Use of this range should only be performed when none of the Error Codes pre-
sented in this table accurately reflect the error that was encountered.
General Status
Code (hex)
Status Name Description of Status