Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2
If an error occurs, the error code will be displayed alternately with the right-
most byte of the affected device’s IP address. For details on error codes, refer
to SECTION 14 Troubleshooting and Error Processing.
Displaying Multiple Error Sources
• A d6 error (failed to establish connection) occurred with IP address
• A d6 error (failed to establish connection) occurred with IP address
• A d5 error (verification error, target nonexistent) occurred with IP address
• A C6 error (multiple switches ON) and EA error (EtherNet/IP expansion
setting error) occurred at the local EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP
port, IP address
• There is no particular priority to the order in which the errors are dis-
played. All of the errors are displayed repeatedly in order.
The error code is displayed and then the last digit of the target node's
IP address is displayed in hexadecimal.
Displays errors that occurred
within the Unit.
The last digit of the Unit's IP address
is displayed in hexadecimal.